You've twisted my arm
I'm going to do it, I'll take the plunge. I am going to sell my cloche pattern instead of giving it away for free. Enough of you have been utterly too sweet for words and accused me of selling myself short, or not selling myself at all, or something like that, that I'm going to see how selling the pattern works for me. I would like to have someone test drive my pattern before I do so, though. I need a willing victim volunteer. If you have some Koigu sitting around, can knit circularly and work short rows and would be willing to give the pattern a go, I'll offer you the pattern for free. I only need one tester so if more than one person is willing, I'll pick someone at random. Just email me at marnie at marniemaclean dot com and put "cloche" in the subject line. For those of you who haven't seen the hat, this is the pic of it

I've also declared my holiday affiliation, albeit a little late. I'm now officially calling myself a "Secular Consumerist." That's right, I have no religious affiliation but I'm still swapping gifts like a fiend over the holiday season. The mascot is a Collections Agent, and all our songs are made by those obnoxious toys that only vengeful grandparents and folks who've never had kids willing get for children. Now I just need to get the Peanuts characters to put together a 30 minute holiday special on the spirit of secular consumerism and I'm good to go.

I'm misty eyed already.
I think I'm nearing the home stretch for the Soy Silk piece. I'll give you a peek because I feel like I haven't offered you guys much knitting content lately. I don't think it gives you a real feel for what the final piece will look like, anyway.

You might be noticing some odd sewing paraphernalia scattered about the perimeter. Must make you wonder what the heck I'm gonna do with all of it, huh?
And for all of you who have cursed the beautiful California weather mocking the frigid icy soul draining winter in your neck of the woods, you主ll be happy to know we主re enjoying torrential rain and thunder storms here in LA. I主m not terribly bothered by rain, though LA has no apparent drainage which makes for some interesting highway conditions. More than anything, other people seem completely perplexed by the concept of "caution" in dangerous driving conditions. If I can make it to and from work without being plowed down by a Hummer, I'll consider it a good day.

I've also declared my holiday affiliation, albeit a little late. I'm now officially calling myself a "Secular Consumerist." That's right, I have no religious affiliation but I'm still swapping gifts like a fiend over the holiday season. The mascot is a Collections Agent, and all our songs are made by those obnoxious toys that only vengeful grandparents and folks who've never had kids willing get for children. Now I just need to get the Peanuts characters to put together a 30 minute holiday special on the spirit of secular consumerism and I'm good to go.

I'm misty eyed already.
I think I'm nearing the home stretch for the Soy Silk piece. I'll give you a peek because I feel like I haven't offered you guys much knitting content lately. I don't think it gives you a real feel for what the final piece will look like, anyway.

You might be noticing some odd sewing paraphernalia scattered about the perimeter. Must make you wonder what the heck I'm gonna do with all of it, huh?
And for all of you who have cursed the beautiful California weather mocking the frigid icy soul draining winter in your neck of the woods, you主ll be happy to know we主re enjoying torrential rain and thunder storms here in LA. I主m not terribly bothered by rain, though LA has no apparent drainage which makes for some interesting highway conditions. More than anything, other people seem completely perplexed by the concept of "caution" in dangerous driving conditions. If I can make it to and from work without being plowed down by a Hummer, I'll consider it a good day.
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