It's the Final Countdown
Do any of you remember that song? Am I dating myself? Does dating yourself sound really lonely to you?
Ok, I swear, I'll let up on the puns.
Firstly, in honor of the impending holiday, I wanted to give you a little something to put a smile on your face. Check out this link. Make sure you scroll through all the pictures. As a friend pointed out to me, it's a little backward to tell kids that strangers are scary and then sit your child on the lap of a big hairy stranger and walk away. Something to consider.
My brother leaves today and I'm actually pretty sad to see him go. Matt and I weren't terribly close growing up but he's a good guy and a lot of fun to have around. But since we're talking about good men, I want to give a huge "thank you" to my sweet Leo who has been nothing short of wonderful while I've been working all week. Not only has he entertained Matt every day that I could not, he also chauffeured him about as need be. I just want to say publicly how wonderful my man is. Best Christmas gift a girl could ask for.

It does, finally, feel like everything is calming down. The "final countdown" to Christmas is not looming nearly so ominously over my head. All the mailed presents have arrived at their destination, all presents for local loved ones are bought AND WRAPPED. Imagine that. I gave all my work S&B buddies magnets from my cafepress store. They seemed touched that I made the effort. While I was ordering from my own store, I decided to get myself a hoodie. What can I say, a girl can get a treat for herself, right?

Please excuse the way I look. Bed head, PJs, and a fitful sleep do not make for glamour shots.
Oh, and finally, to all of you who responded to my last post, thank you. It's amazing how common a problem this is for bloggers, but I should point out that there truly are many people who are wonderful, thoughtful, polite and a joy to correspond with. Statistically, there are probably very few people who feel so entitled, they are just that proverbial "squeaky wheel" that bloggers notice most.
Ok, I swear, I'll let up on the puns.
Firstly, in honor of the impending holiday, I wanted to give you a little something to put a smile on your face. Check out this link. Make sure you scroll through all the pictures. As a friend pointed out to me, it's a little backward to tell kids that strangers are scary and then sit your child on the lap of a big hairy stranger and walk away. Something to consider.
My brother leaves today and I'm actually pretty sad to see him go. Matt and I weren't terribly close growing up but he's a good guy and a lot of fun to have around. But since we're talking about good men, I want to give a huge "thank you" to my sweet Leo who has been nothing short of wonderful while I've been working all week. Not only has he entertained Matt every day that I could not, he also chauffeured him about as need be. I just want to say publicly how wonderful my man is. Best Christmas gift a girl could ask for.

It does, finally, feel like everything is calming down. The "final countdown" to Christmas is not looming nearly so ominously over my head. All the mailed presents have arrived at their destination, all presents for local loved ones are bought AND WRAPPED. Imagine that. I gave all my work S&B buddies magnets from my cafepress store. They seemed touched that I made the effort. While I was ordering from my own store, I decided to get myself a hoodie. What can I say, a girl can get a treat for herself, right?

Please excuse the way I look. Bed head, PJs, and a fitful sleep do not make for glamour shots.
Oh, and finally, to all of you who responded to my last post, thank you. It's amazing how common a problem this is for bloggers, but I should point out that there truly are many people who are wonderful, thoughtful, polite and a joy to correspond with. Statistically, there are probably very few people who feel so entitled, they are just that proverbial "squeaky wheel" that bloggers notice most.
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