Mel and Steve

Some of you may remember that I attended a wedding a couple months ago. Here are some pictures from the event. It was held on a nature preserve in Vermont. The bride and groom are Mel[issa] and Steve. Their local bartender/internet order minister presided over the ceremony.

I think, when the day was done, they were pleased with how it went and entirely ready to head out to their honeymoon in Hawaii.

Here are a couple of pictures of me, in my shrug thing I made for the affair. The only thing I wish I had time to do was to make a flower or something to cover the spot where the piece closed on the side. I don't think it looks horrible, but it just doesn't look finished to me.
Just a note, while you are looking at those lovely flowers, the wife of the minister did all the flowers for the wedding and I think they are just stunning.
In knitting news, there is truly nothing to show. I haven't been able to knit at work for a few days because of meetings and the like. My boss has officially resigned and came in to say goodbye to everyone, yesterday. She left for maternity leave in June or July, and just decided not to come back. Now she's off to Minnesota with her husband, son, and golden retriever and I'm boss-less. I'll actually miss her, quite a bit, she's been great fun to work with. You know I主m not kissing arse, either, because she主s not my boss anymore.
I will be heading down to San Diego to visit my parents who are vacationing there, and I suspect I'll do some knitting in that time, so prepare for some updates in a couple days.
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