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8 random things


My friend Kat tagged me for the 8 random things. I've done 100 things about myself and some other memes, and covered a lot of ground, but since this is "8 random things" I'm not going to talk about my idiosyncrasies, per se, instead, I'm just going to tell you 8 random stories from my life. If you know me well, in real life, you've probably heard some or all of these, but I think they will all be new to most of you. Some of them are sort of sad, some are funny, they all stick with me as meaningful moments in my life; times when I learned something about myself or about other people.

  1. As a very young child, my parents had cars with vinyl seats. In the hot days of summer, sans air conditioning, we'd drive to various and sundry locations and, inevitably, my skin would adhere to those seats. When time would come to exit the vehicle, extracting myself from the seat was often painful.

    Come Christmas season, my parents put a cute little dress on me and brought me to the mall to sit on Santa's lap. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I got it in my head that, because I was wearing a short shirt, I would end up sticking to Santa's lap. The thought horrified me. As we neared Santa, I burst into tears. My parents had no idea what had come over me./li>

    More after the bump

5 Weird things about me


Patty has tagged me for the 5 Weird Things meme, going around.

The rules are:

  • Someone Tags you

  • You post 5 things about yourself that you haven't already mentioned on your blog

  • You tag 5 people about whom you'd like to know more I open the meme to all of you who are interested in playing. Consider yourself tagged.

Here's the thing, I feel like I pretty much tell you guys everything I'd be comfortable telling you. It's always good to keep a little mystery in the relationship, right? So I figured, if I think I've revealed all my weird, maybe there are things I just haven't noticed are weird about myself. So I asked Leo and my mom to come up with some things they think are weird about me. I've weeded out things I've mentioned here before. I know it's supposed to be 5 things, but since I got these from two different people, I'm rounding up to 6 total, 3 from each.


  • I like my chocolate frozen. Well, if not frozen, definitely refrigerated. While I'm aware that all chocolate authorities, insist that chocolate, like cheese and red wine, should be served at room temperature, I find it highly distasteful to have my chocolate melting on my fingers. I refrigerate most of my chocolate and freeze certain varieties. Oh and I prefer dark, thanks for asking.

  • Leo's never seen me wear a mini skirt.
  • I think I've mentioned that I'm not really a skirt person, though I own a few, but it's true, the only ones I have are at least knee length.
  • I have more gray hair than Leo does, despite the fact that he's 9 years older.
  • I started finding gray hairs in my late teens and I've been getting more salt and less pepper, since then. It hasn't really started bothering me yet. What can I say?


  • Was a "polar bear" (i.e, dove into the cold morning water) at summer
    camp but now puts on her woolies when the temps drop to 60.
    Actually, I bundle up right around 70 degrees. What's your point?

  • First word was "mine!" yet grew up to be very generous. I was obviously referring to chocolate, about which I've never been generous.

  • Looks delicate and fragile but can lift large pieces of furniture. Hmm, well, I'm not sure if the current state of my caboose could be described as "delicate" but I've always been able to hold my own when it comes time to lug boxes into moving vans.

And the winner is....

Well, you guys really know how to crack a girl up. There were so many hilarious replies that I just couldn't pick, so I decided to enlist the help of a random number generator to pick a winner.

The lucky commenter is: Leah with the word supercreativepurpleiciouspuppylovin'. She's been contacting and will be receiving a surprise sometime soon.

One Word Meme

Lemming.jpgRules: Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me — it can only be one word long. Then copy and paste this into your blog so that I may leave a word about you.

Found: All over the internet.

Reward: Comment that makes me laugh most by the end of day Friday, will win a prize from my stash. (either yarn or roving, to be decided by winner.) Made up words with definitions will be counted.

New meme


Take my quiz*, then make your own. You can have as many or few questions as you like. If you have a better quiz utility, use it.

No tagging, just take the meme if you want it. If you decide to do a quiz yourself, drop a comment here so I know.

*Idea stolen from my brother.

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