Dogs are allowed on all pathes (except the really good ones)


At my request, this weekend we decided to try some sight seeing inland. The ocean is always a safe bet but there's a whole lot of Oregon that doesn't even come close to being near the beach, but which is supposed to be lovely.

Leo got a recommendation from a friend who said that Silver Falls was both pet friendly (though she hadn't brought a pet) and really wonderful. It did sound amazing and hearing that pets are allowed on all trails except the "canyon trail" lead us to believe we had some beautiful falls in store for us. Alas, there are no falls, that we could see, anywhere on the other trails. Luckily, we still got to see much that was truly beautiful.

These weren't redwoods, but the trees stood incredibly tall. I just wasn't able to get a picture that showed a single tree from top to bottom

This fallen tree was immense. Leo and Panda look so small next to it.


The trails were fairly well maintained and a pretty easy walk. It didn't seem too challenging and surprisingly few buggies about our heads. As immense and breathtaking as all the views were, it's the little things that catch my eye.

We have icky spiders about the house, but it doesn't mean I can't appreciate a beautiful web when I see one.

Those shocking red berries look so intense next to all that green.

And if you think those are enchanting, look at this moss growing everywhere.

Some trees had thick coats of this growing on them, while others seem relatively untouched.

This seems like a setting out of some fantasy movie.

I had no idea I was making a heart with the leash. Cute, no?

After our hike, we went back to Portland for some lunch. We ended up at a wine bar called Thirst, where we had a delicious but light meal.

The view from our table, overlooking the river, on a perfect Sunday afternoon.

Panda hanging out at Leo's feet, and Leo sporting a lovely Panda shirt.

Since it was a wine bar, we decided to try their tasting options. I was expecting and would have been perfectly content with, smaller servings of wine, but their selections were great and really fun to try together. Leo got the "Eclectic Reds" and I had the "Light Flight All White." Paired with our salads and an order of assorted olives, we were three happy hikers.

Our favorite was the roasted kalamata olives. They were addicting. I'm surprised it didn't come to blows deciding who would get the last one.


Oh my goodness. So many beautiful pictures. It looks like your trip was so much fun, and I agree with you on the "heart leash" pic ... that is such a neat coincidence.

It looks beautiful. I miss all three of you. Especially since moxie is being such a fucker. Hell, I miss your couch. Love, J

And I spent the weekend at Silver Falls, too, at a knitting retreat - you can read about it on my daughter's blog:

What a beautiful place.

That looks like a perfect weekend day. That forest seems like it's filled with so much varied life. Nothing like some gastronomic treats to top it off. Maybe I'l stop by there when I'm in Portland...

What a beautiful place to hike! Panda poses so beautifully in her pictures.

Mmmmm... that is my idea of a lunch. Roasted kalamatas sound wonderful!

funny, i was going to was going to wish you luck on your move north a few weeks ago. my husband and i lived in portland for awhile, loved it but ended up moving back to l.a. anyway. long story short, we were just at silver falls around labor day, our first visit. also with pup in tow. our visit and your frequent portland posting are serving to make me a wee bit nostalgic. if you get a chance visit bridgeport brewing company in the pearl. excellent food and a mean and flavorful i.p.a. cheers.

what a perfect day!

Yeah, we do grow really healthy spiders here. It skeeves me a little. That web looks like a garden spider. Big, gloriously spotted and they like to set up webs across the blackberry bushes. They are beneficial but I still do the icky dance when I see them up too close.

I have a special love for the Pacific NW in the late summer and early fall. Looks like y'all had a wonderful day.

I found the KG photo, btw - too funny! I love the crew. They really have to be prepared for just about anything and they do it so well!

I LOVE PORTLAND. I'm just going to say that every time you post now. I'm so glad we're moving back to Oregon next summer (just down the road from you to Eugene). Those forest pics remind me how much I love it there! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

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