Finally, some knitting


Before I bore you with more of the same, how about a little something new?

I finished my stealth knit a little while ago, and it's awaiting whatever fate the yarn gods have in store for it. That left my needles free for other things.

I begin teaching some classes at the KnitCafe, starting this week. The owner asked me to come up with a simple eyelet scarf pattern and the above image shows the results.

I'm relatively picky about scarf stitches. I don't believe they have to be completely reversible, but I do feel that, if others are respecting your personal space, it shouldn't be apparent if the back and front don't match. So my quest was for a stitch pattern that used only knits, purls, k2togs, ssks and yos, and did so in a manner that was very simple, basically reversible, and would lie flat without any additional edge stitches. I couldn't find anything that entirely suited my needs, so I modified a stitch pattern and came up with what you see above.

Here are some close ups.

There isn't a front or back, per se, but let's call this the front.

And here's the back

The yarn is the leftover Karabella Aurora 8 from Hopeful. I used exactly 2 balls with less than a yard left over after I wove in all the ends and cut the fringe. The scarf blocked out to about 6 feet long. The stitch pattern is a modified 5x5, with a 3 stitch selvage on each side.

I will post the pattern, for free, sometime soon.

And now, some entirely unnecessary images of my Cotswold as it basks in the California sun, after the bump.

I like this image because you can see some of the subtle color variations.

The bits of pink that shine through add a lovely depth to the overall color. I think that's part of the reason I'm drawn to the shade.

Panda decided she needed a new look.

She says, "Blonds be damned*, it's redheads who have more fun."

*We here at Marnie Talks, in no way, damn the blond or any other shade of hair, but we will stoop to saying as much for a laugh. We thank you for your patronage.


I love that eyelet pattern! and that Cotswold....those colors are beautiful.

and do I even have to say it? Panda is an adorable schmoo. look at that face!

After your glowing report, I surfed over a bought some of the Cotswold roving (though the color you are using isn't available, I think the mixed berries will be beautiful). I can't wait to see how it spins up on my wheel.

I don't think, my dogs would stand for a purplish/blue wig. We'll have to see about that too!

I really love the eyelet pattern. Can't wait for you to post the pattern. The Cotswold is great, too!

What a beautiful scarf- and the cotswald is gorgeous too. I'm getting more and more tempted to take up spinning. And your pooch is the sweetest. Love that face. (and being a blond, I always wonder if redheads have more fun...)

That's a beautiful modification to the stitch pattern for your scarf. However, it's tough to tell just how beautiful it is without it being modeled by Panda.

Panda's such an adorable dog! And I *heart* your Cotswold. Such a cheerful color!

Hey Marnie,
I LOVE the orange cotswold. I can't believe that you do all that on a spindle! I am impressed. You'll do GREAT once you get your wheel. Where is that thing anyway? I went over to your roving place and bought the color and then some sort of purple (stunning) and some grey. LOVE it! Missy tells me to tell Panda HI!

lovely, lovely, lovely! and the dog is cute too, lol. where did you get the cotswold again? i don't normally do orange, but that one is catching my eye bigtime, lol

I still say I'll never spin, but that beautiful orange-ish yarn you spun and that Panda is wearing is gorgeous.

If I should ever cave, I will hope that I could do half as good a job.

Yay for Knit Cafe teachers! That is so cool!

That orange is breathtaking in the sun. Great picture. And? You're totally right about redheads having more fun!

I like your scarf. (and your spinning, too, but you're right, change is good.) ;)

I love this scarf and look forward to the pattern posting!

That's a beautiful scarf and it looks bright and I love both the pattern and the color.

could you send me the pattern for the eyelet scarf please

could you send me the pattern for the eyelet scarf please

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on January 23, 2006 4:17 AM.

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