I haven't blogged all year!


Well, my week and a half vacation/holiday is nearly over. Tomorrow, I'm back to work. I am going to miss all the naps.

I think I'm going to be able to unveil a new Twist design very very soon. For now, I'll simply post a couple mosaics from the year so far.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve 2008/2009
1. Just after midnight, 2. Riding public trans into town, 3. Upstairs at Fez, 4. Angels, 5. Some random guy, 6. Dancin' queen, 7. Leo with interesting shadows on face, 8. After midnight, 9. The bar at Embers, 10. Someone's bare foot print on a very cold night., 11. Walking back to the Max, 12. Downtown Portland, 13. A very packed max

It was a relatively tame, but totally fun evening. I still can't believe how well mannered all the folks were on that terribly packed Max train. But, gosh, you gotta love a city that runs the public transportation for free on New Year's Eve and keeps train running until 3 in the morning, to make sure everyone can get home.

A snowy hike

A snowy hike
1. Leo bites it., 2. Panda rolls in the snow, 3. A random little street on Mt Hood, 4. One more pic before I help Leo up, 5. Mossy Tree, 6. More of Panda rolling, 7. Shake 'n' Bake, 8. Marnie's snowy head, 9. Leo bites it again, 10. Panda rolls so much, she needs a break, 11. Little ball of snow, 12. Yarn shop, 13. Flaming dessert.
Created with fd's Flickr Toys

We couldn't bring Panda to the ocean, with her mouth still healing, so we packed up for the mountains. Alas, the route we wanted to take was closed off because of a mud slide, so we weren't able to get to our desired destination. In the end, we just pulled into a random street with a big open field, and ran the girls around.

On the way home, we found a little yarn shop, bought some yarn and got a recommendation for a great restaurant. Of course, we saved a few bites of our entrees for the girls.

It was such a relaxing week and a half off (minus the bit of worry with Ms. Bear.) It was the perfect mix of getting things done and doing lots of nothing.

I hope everyone's new year was exactly what they wanted it to be.


you guys are so cute and fun! i hope i can make it to PDX sometime soon so i can meet you, leo, and the girls! :) have you heard anymore about sock summit next august?

What great photos! You guys always have so much fun! The snow pics with the girls are priceless! :)

Leo needs to learn skijoring with the dogs!

Great pix!

[Nelson Munch voice] Haw-Haw!! [/NM] At least he was goodnatured about biffing it. ;) Looks like a lovely vacay and great start to the year.

Terrific photos!

The snow photos really look like a collage of the dogs AND Leo rolling in the snow.

happy new year!! my brothers were at embers too..... glad to hear the pup is doing well!

happy new year, marnie! wish we could have said hello when we were up in your area but it was a crazy week. maybe we will be able to say hello next time you are down.

until then, have fun with those puppers and that lovely man. looks like the year has started off wonderfully.

Happy New Year to you all! Wishing you a wonderful 2009!

that yarn store! we drove by it a few days after christmas on our way up mt. hood and no one in the car believed me when i said we'd passed a yarn shop. glad to have confirmation that i'm not crazy. :)

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on January 4, 2009 3:14 PM.

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