If you knew how badly my housework were suffering, you wouldn't think this blog seemed nearly so neglected.
Luckily, what's keeping me busy is all interesting stuff. I'm doing some work for Twist Collective including a little behind the scenes stuff, which is challenging but satisfying. I'm, of course, designing some knits. I'm taking some improv classes with my friend, Erica. I'm even taking a few (non-improv) courses over at a local university. So, with all that going on, blogging has necessarily taken a back seat, to ensure those cutie patooties I live with, get a little time with me too.
I hope, for now, you'll be satisfied with a few more doggy pictures. They certainly make me smile.
1. IMG_0265.JPG, 2. IMG_0207.JPG, 3. IMG_0283.JPG, 4. IMG_0029.JPG, 5. IMG_0178.JPG, 6. IMG_0136.JPG, 7. IMG_0241.JPG, 8. IMG_0130.JPG, 9. IMG_0148.JPG, 10. IMG_0171.JPG, 11. IMG_0053.JPG, 12. IMG_0119.JPG, 13. IMG_0164.JPG14. IMG_0053.JPG 15. IMG_0119.JPG 16. IMG_0164.JPG
Entire set found here.
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.