More dogs, less knitting.


This, from my non-knitting friends.

I know, madness.

Still, I'm nothing if not accommodating.

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moar funny pictures

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

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I ran these by a focus group (Leo) and apparently they went over a like a lead balloon. Since customer satisfaction is key here at Marnie, Speak! I thought I'd made a special LOLdog just for him.

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Are those girls really handing out that much fodder for goofiness, or are you constantly taking photos, cuz we always miss those 'perfect photo' ops by the time we grab the camera. Either way, u iz luky!

I guess it pays to be both a dog lover and knitter when reading this blog! These are too funny. The invisible object ones are my favorite.

I see how it is... Maybe some tickle torture for the mother of the starving brainsucker is in order!

I have to say, I do like the invisible bomb…


That is hilarious. My favorite is the paddle boat. Love Leo's comment :)

The Waz U Walkin Here made me laugh so loudly at work I startled a co-worker! :) One of our puppers does that when playing ball.

Your babies are beyond cute!

Sploded was definitely laugh out loud funny... 5 cheeseburgers, Marnie! Huzzah!

U Rok! Dem is wayz funnie! :-) Long Liv da dogz

I thought they were funny and VERY clever, especially that last one. Nyuk, nyuk.

It is a pleasure to visit your blog ... no lazy cat pictures but active, engaged, and loving [dog comforting Leo] pictures. A good balance to knitting.


Love the pics and the ideas, but the animal lingo or whatever the dialect is that has recently gone viral...not so much. It seems beneath your intellect...just being honest.

I don't know if it's the hard cider, but man that "O hai, waz u walkin here"? Dying with laughter. My dog likes to do this while we're running. We'll be running along just fine, then he's attacking my knees or coming to a dead stop right in front of me. LOL

I love your furry girlies; I am in awe of your knitting abilities, but man, those dogs!!! And I don't know what it is about "LOL speak," but it just always cracks me up . . . my husband, not so much. Your blog is a nice mix of dogs and knitting, two of my favorite things!

leo is a philistine and has no appreciation for the high quality humor.

Leo = no sense of humor. Doggie girls = priceless. I laughed at all of the pictures, but Wuz U Walkin Here is the best! The pups are too cute!!

OMG...laughing!! Too funny!

Oh, Marnie! He SERIOUSLY doesn't think they are hysterical? What is wrong with that man of yours!? I LOVE them!!!

And I know I have been living under a rock for a long time -- congrats on the new baby!!! At first, I thought I was seeing two of Panda ;-P had to backtrack to get the scoop!

Such truly cool shots! Love all those aerodynamic dog pics! :)

haha, oh, how i love you, your blog, and your dogs! (ooh, impromptu poem there!) oh, and knitting, of course. i think "waz u walkin' here" was my fave. :)

hahah, so cute! i always enjoy photos of thea and panda!

This post just made my good day even better!

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on May 23, 2008 10:13 AM.

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