Missed Connection


You: Humongous piece of metal meant to fly large numbers of people to and fro. Last seen glistening as you pulled away from the gate in the mid-day sun.

Me: Barreling ass through miles of the San Francisco airport, tapping foot impatiently behind that guy who stopped on the moving walkway with his bag next to him so no one could get by.

I had really hoped we could meet, have a drink, maybe some peanuts or pretzels. It could have been special.


Well that sucks.
I'm assuming you've got some in progress knitting with you? (*crosses fingers*)
At least SFO has Peets.

Icky. I'd much rather you were still here. I hope the layover wasn't too bad. Miss you!!

You missed your flight? Oh no! Well, like TheAmpuT said, I hope you had plenty of knitting with you.

Maybe this means something really good will happen to you soon . . . ?

You missed your flight? Oh no! Well, like TheAmpuT said, I hope you had plenty of knitting with you.

Maybe this means something really good will happen to you soon . . . ?

Oh man, that sucks!

Also, I miss you already. It was so great to finally meet you in person!

Yark - I hate people like that! Did you knit or spin while waiting for your new flight?

Yeah, but panda's still a star and so are you! sorry I missed all the excitement, I was really sick...

Hey there!
I just wanted to pop in and say I watched Knitty Gritty for the fist time ever today (on HGTV) and your show was airing.
Thought I'd drop by to let you know the someone who made the "Fraggle Hat" Is named Jo.

Hey there!
I just wanted to pop in and say I watched Knitty Gritty for the fist time ever today (on HGTV) and your show was airing.
Thought I'd drop by to let you know the someone who made the "Fraggle Hat" Is named Jo.

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on December 10, 2006 12:13 PM.

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