

One Ms. Eve Ng has won our grand prize. She has chosen to receive a pair of knitting needles. She's left it up to me to choose which ones.

The remaining items will be sold in the near future.

For now, I'm sorting and charting and playing around with the 70 submissions I've received from all of you.

I'm fascinated and a little daunted by how many sizes and shapes we all come in. This should be a challenging project indeed.


All I can say re: leg size and shapes, is that it's a good thing that knitted fabric is so stretchy!
I don't know what you are planning to chart, but given our various sizes and shapes, it's a huge project!

BTW - I really enjoyed your India pics and commentary. I've been seriously snowed - and thus didn't comment - but it was a great travelogue!

Is that chart the real chart? am I really "off the charts"? heheheh
:) WAs just curious to see how i compared to your others readers. can't wait to see what this incredible project is!

Cool. I really need to do that for toddler feet!

Heh, I've always been told I'm above average :)

Always willing to lend a hand. Or foot as it were.

When I see that graph, all I can think of is animal behavior lab in college where we entered countless sets of data into a stat program to get three correlation coefficients. Basically the numbers said that birds preferred brown bird feeders over red ones, but we had to expand that into 5 pages of lab report with graphs. The horror.

heh, of course you can also find the correlation coefficient in excel pretty easily, but i'm not sure how well you could use it to develop sizes.

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on October 23, 2006 5:24 AM.

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