Shine your light on me


Well, I found a couple minutes to snap a photo of my knit handspun. There's a big old window near a couple of empty work stations, in my area, and since I get to work so early, there was no one to ask, "Marnie, why are you taking pictures of a band-aid sized piece of knitting, at the office?"

Here is a picture that shows how textural the stitch is.

And this shows, fairly nicely, what the stitch really looks like.

The handspun has proven to knit up much better than I could hope. There's a gradual transition from one dominant color to the next and a subtle second color that acts like a highlight.

Here's my knitting enjoying the view. If you were able to look right, up a steep hill and into the "nice" part of town, you could also see where Leo works.

Many of you have asked about the stitch. It's the same stitch used in this cardi from Vogue Knitting

I've found a couple variations in my Harmony Guides. They refer to this one as "Star Stitch II"

I really like this stitch because of its versatility. Worked on larger needles and blocked out, it produces a lovely flower like lace stitch. Worked tightly on smaller needles, you get a great textural stitch that doesn't curl and is just unusual enough to catch peoples' attention.

The stitch is worked as follows.

With a multiple of 4+1
Star: P3 tog, but leave old stitch on left needle, yo, P same 3 stitches together, removing the old stitch from the left needle.
Rows 1 and 3: Knit
Row 2: *k1, star stitch* repeat to last stitch, k1
Row 4: k1, p1, *k1, star stitch* repeat to last 3 stitches, k1, p1, k1

Actually, I knit it slightly differently, because I knit in the Combined method, which means my knit stitches sit differently. I essentially reverse the pattern. I Purl the odd rows and I work purls between the stars and work the stars with k3togs, only, because of the way my stitches sit, it's like I've done an SSSK. I'm not sure that's actually of any interest to anyone, but there you go.


Marnie - it's really gorgeous! The colors and the stitch are perfect. I wish I could get a spinning lesson from you!

Oh i signed up to take a combined knitting class from Modisett I think in March. I didn't know what it was but it was one of the only classes she was teaching, now I know what it is lol!

Very pretty stitch! I got the yarn for the dragon hoodie. Can't WAIT to cast on!!

That DOES look great--it's all about the lighting, isn't it??

Fantastic colourway and stitch.Thanks for explaining the combined continental way. That's how my mom taught me to knit and I never knew anyone else who knit like me till I took a class at my Lys
and they informed me that there was a name for the method. And I though my mom made it up. It is so much faster and you learn quickly how to read your stitches.

Do I get points for recognizing the stitch ahead of the game? It looks pretty cool in the handspun. Dare I ask how its coming along in the KSH? (I'm guessing NOT!)

your handspun is so gorgeous it gives me goosebumps- even at bandaid size! Thanks for the clear explanation of the stitch.

1. If I wear that green hat with the feathers will I automatically lose 50 lbs? If so, sign me up.
2. I take my skeins to work and to the local park on the river to photograph. We sit under grey grey skies all winter and even with lights on in the house it's too dark to do nice photos.
3. Your handspun is beeeee-uuuut-iful.

Oh! That is great! Thank you!

Great job and amazing choice of colors....Just love your work. All the best.....

Marnie, I am planning to use your star stitch to write a sock pattern! Thank you so much for sharing this stitch. I think it will be perfect for my Lorna's Laces Liberty sock yarn exchange. :)

Marnie, I am planning to use your star stitch to write a sock pattern! Thank you so much for sharing this stitch. I think it will be perfect for my Lorna's Laces Liberty sock yarn!

I found this stitch on a dishcloth patt. love the way it looks, and love to stitch it. I will use it in other things I knit. Plan on showing my knitting buddies @ The Busy Needle in WH TN. on sit-n-stitch. LOVE IT LOVE IT

I found this stitch on a dishcloth patt. love the way it looks, and love to stitch it. I will use it in other things I knit. Plan on showing my knitting buddies @ The Busy Needle in WH TN. on sit-n-stitch. LOVE IT LOVE IT

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on January 11, 2006 7:52 PM.

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