My cowl quotes Tobias Fünke


My mom did an amazing job overdyeing my Cowl.

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"I’m afraid I just blue myself"

She used two dips in a muted blue dye which allowed just a little of the warmth of the original beige to shine through. The result still looks blue to me but teeters on the edge of a sage green. It's really striking in person. Of course, pictures never do it justice.

The girls are just there to draw attention away from how much we need to prune the shrubbery.


Oh Tobias, you blow hard.

That looks great! A beautiful color for sure.

Wow! That is fantastic! It is a beautiful color.
Oh, are we supposed to trim back shrubbery? Oooops. Heh.

What a fantastic use of that quote. "He said wonderful things."

The cowl looks beautiful!

Hee! That made me laugh out loud. And the cowl is awesome, too.

Cowl and dogs are both lovely. And the shrubbery isn't THAT bad.

Tee hee. Amy's comment really made me laugh, too. Som everything evened out in the wash, eh? Looks great!

Wow, Marnie, your Mom did a fabulous job. And to read that it also has a sagey cast makes me swoon. It will look great on you. And your girls add much to the pic in their white and black glory. What shrubbery??

You know, I think I can't see the color real well. Perhaps you could mail it to me for a closer look.


Tobias is one of my favorite characters on any TV show, ever. :)

What a beautiful collaboration - it looks amazing!!

It does look fabulous! Hope you will consider writing up the pattern.

Your mom did a great job, the color looks fantastic!

The girls did their job well, as I didn't even notice overgrown shrubbery. ;-)

Oh, it turned out beautifully.

Can I borrow the girls for my front yard? Because I don't have an extension cord long enough for me to mow the entire yard so I only did half today and now we have rain again.

Huh? There was shrubbery?
Your mom did a wonderful job - it looks great!

Wow, the cowl really turned out great! Aren't mothers wonderful? I just bought a linen skirt and was bemoaning the constant wrinkles. My mom wants me to bring it to her when it needs pressing because, "I love to iron. It's relaxing."

Yes, she needs help....

Beautiful - love the muted nature of the color.

Your mom did a beautiful job! It really looks fabulous.

Great AD reference!

"Who wants a banger in the mouth?"

I already liked the initial version, barring of course the color change of the faded yarn. It looks even better dyed. Your mom did an amazing job!

If its possible I love it more! Beautiful hue! :)

That top came out fab! Are you going to offer the pattern for sale?

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on April 12, 2008 8:16 PM.

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