Raw fish and Santas Everywhere


What a great weekend. On Saturday night, Leo and I started our evening with the most delicious sushi. It has been so long since I had a really good sushi meal, I was starting to think I didn't care for sushi anymore. This restaurant, Hiroshi, is in the Pearl district and open for very limited hours. We had attempted to try this restaurant on several previous occassions, to no avail and were starting to think that nothing could live up to the hype, but we were wrong.

Oh, I wish we had a proper camera with us so I could show you some shots that would do this sushi justice. Instead, you'll have to settle for shots off of Leo's iPhone.

Delicious sushi 1 Delicious sushi 2
I don't remember what these were called, but they were just two of
about 6 different rolls, nagiri and sashimi that we tried.

As Leo put it, it sort of makes everything else we've had in town taste like bait.

All of this just set the mood for an evening filled with drunken Santas.


There were hundreds of Santas in the city. It was unbelievable.


I think my favorite costume was this Leia/Anakin pair. Illogically fantabulous.


And of course, hundreds of Santas by a menorah just seems nearly poetic. I'm not sure what kind of poem but I think it might be a limerick.

I think we got the biggest laugh, though, out of this.

Dumbarse 02 Dumbarse 01

A couple of rocket scientists decided to double park their giant SUVs on the street car tracks during the normal hours of operation. The poor conductor had to get out of the street car and explain to the drivers why this was a poor parking solution. We couldn't hear what she said, but it didn't sound "I'm sorry Mr Conductor Sir, please, accept this gift of my first born child and a chocolate bar and do give my apologies to the passengers while I move my vehicle out of the way." So I can only conclude that she is a jackass, as is the second driver who was off puttering about in the building for several minutes longer. Feel free to disdain as you see fit.


Looks like a very fun weekend indeed. We need to have sushi soon. My mouth waters just looking at that. The Santas are hysterical. And that crazy double-parker? Are you sure that you're in Portland and not LA? Not exactly crunchy granola-y PC!

Santa-con! It was happening here, too! (Victoria, BC)

Ooh, did they have CA plates?

Oooohhh... sushi! Mum's favourite food!
Didn't know Santas are everywhere where you're at.
No wonder we don't get to see them here... they have all gone to your place!

"but I think it might be a limerick" you are too funny!! Sounds like a great night!!

Mmmmm sushi! That looks delish! Glad you had a fun night...I've never seen so many Santas! :)

OK, this made me laugh out loud. I've never seen so many Santas in one place- too funny!

But which one is the REAL Santa??

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Mmmm, I love good sushi. It does seem like sushi is either to die for or very Meh. As for the drivers, it's a shame that the streetcar couldn't just hook onto the vehicles and push them out of the way. It would really be justice for someone too dumb to know better!

Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen a single Santa this season. Must be 'cause they're all hanging out in your neck of the woods.

d'Oh - what a bummer. i'll be in portland this weekend for a quick visit - had i only timed things better and actually made it to witness santa con!

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