Call for unique knitting groups


From the folks of Knitty Gritty:

Screen Door Entertainment and "Knitty Gritty" are looking for unique knitting groups for a one-hour special. We are looking in the Los Angeles area AND NATIONWIDE!!!!

It may be a formal group or informal, but we're searching for groups with a "story" or extra-special quality. Maybe a sports team/league who knits together on the bus rides, a group of Harley bikers who knit together, a group who hit various pubs and knit while they visit, OR people who knit for a purpose/cause (whether a charity or simply to keep their community beautiful by decorating trees, stop signs, etc.)

If you are a member of such an intriguing group, know of a group (locally or in any city,) OR even if you know of other online knitting groups in other cities we can contact - send me an e-mail ASAP. We'd love to hear more!

Joy Wingard
"Knitty Gritty"


I am a member of an informal knitting group with two members in a small corner of Canada. So, I am sure we don't qualify!

So, my real reason I am commenting is to say "Hi!". I am trying not to be such a lurker...I enjoy your posts and pics of Panda.

gauge question
I so enjoy your blog that I thought you might be able to help with the following knitting dilemma:

My hat pattern calls for size 3 and size 5 needles. The first 1.5 inches of the hat brim is knit using the size 3 needles and then I need to switch to size 5 needles.

The pattern gauge is 24 sts/inch, which is (for the first time ever for me) the exact gauge I get using the size 3 needles. So what happens when I switch to size 5 needles?

IOW, when a pattern calls for two needle sizes and lists a gauge, which needle size do you use to test your swatch and confirm gauge?

Hope you can help.


gauge question
I so enjoy your blog that I thought you might be able to help with the following knitting dilemma:

My hat pattern calls for size 3 and size 5 needles. The first 1.5 inches of the hat brim is knit using the size 3 needles and then I need to switch to size 5 needles.

The pattern gauge is 24 sts/inch, which is (for the first time ever for me) the exact gauge I get using the size 3 needles. So what happens when I switch to size 5 needles?

IOW, when a pattern calls for two needle sizes and lists a gauge, which needle size do you use to test your swatch and confirm gauge?

Hope you can help.


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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on January 11, 2007 10:29 AM.

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