

I just found out that my shawl has made it into round two of the Spindlicity Shawl Contest

She's getting a quick blocking with the help of some of my returned tax dollars.

Yup, I got myself a set of blocking wires and a blocking board.

So far, I'm very very happy. It definitely makes it much easier to block correctly. I'll admit that while I always block, I'm rarely happy with the results. I think it may be laziness, it's easy to dismiss these finishing details as secondary to the project, but, in truth, a good blocking and seaming job can make a piece look very professional. A poor job will always give your piece away as having been handmade. These will be great for blocking out Leo’s sweater. I’ll have pictures of that progress up soon.



awesome! congrats. i really love that shawl. good luck!

I have a set of blocking wires and I find them to be most useful for blocking lace projects. And I learned a different way to use them by looking at your picture! Thanks. I am always wanting to get a blocking board ... maybe for this year's birthday? Great! :D
Congratulations on the shawl contest ... and wish it further success in the contest.

Congratulations! That shawl is gorgeous!

congrats, marnie! the shawl really is gorgeous - and just think, SOAR!! wow. ;)

Congrats! I have no doubt you will win. That shawl is wonderful!

Awesome, congrats! That shawl, while beautiful and delicate, is an ass-kicker! Woo-hoo

sorry, that was me. :)

I love the subtle color change in your yarn. Are you sliding the yarn points through the blocking wires?

Gorgeous! congrats on the second round! It's gonna go all the way, bay-bee!

(psst...where did you get those blocking wires? I've had a hard time finding them.)

Congrats!! It is a beautiful shawl.

Congratulations! It's lovely.

Congrats! You are looking hot in "winning" shawl. Blocking wires and the board rock- love mine.

It's gorgeous! Do you dance ballet? You look like a ballerina :) Elegant.

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on May 4, 2006 3:39 PM.

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