My grandmother didn't like children, but she loved me



A few years ago, I blogged about my grandmother's starting a new life in Texas after my grandfather died.

Grandma was my last remaining grandparent until today. She died after a very long healthy life and a short period of serious decline.


She was no fan of children but I would never have known it, as a child, because she loved me so much.


A true product of the depression era, she was frugal to a fault which made her endless generosity all the more meaningful.


I always knew my grandmother loved me, that I was special in her life. When I called, the joy in her voice was infectious and I was so happy to talk to her too.


She gave me these photos, and many more, when she moved out of her old home in New Jersey. They are a small consolation to this huge hole she leaves in my heart. I feel truly fortunate that I had so many wonderful years with a grandmother who loved me so much.


I had an airline ticket to see her in just a couple of weeks. I wish I could have told her, one last time, in person, how much she is loved. It is sad to know that I cannot but perhaps, in her honor, you could all take a moment to tell someone you love them, someone you don't have a chance to say it to, as often as you'd like. Fate has it's way of reminding you how much that means when it's too late.


I'm so sorry for your loss.

Oh, Marnie, I am so sorry. I lost my grandmom when I was 19, she lived with us and was like a second mother to me. I miss her to this day and still think of her all the time. My heart aches for you, I know something of your pain. We lost Matt's grandmom in March of this year, too. Thankfully, you have lots of good memories to sustain you. I wish you comfort in the coming days and weeks.

Sorry to hear of your loss but so glad that your grandmother's life was long and the serious decline short.

Dear Marnie,
My grandma passed away in October, and it's a loss that I'm still coping with even today. She was the reason I ever thought I could be an artist or designer. Just wanted to send you my heartfelt thoughts and condolences, and my sincerest sympathies.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It always hurts to lose someone, but I'm sure she knew she was loved.

Marnie, my heart goes out to you. I too recently lost my Grandmother and can completely relate to how you must be feeling right now. I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but talking, crying, remembering and knitting all help! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and story of your Grandmother. xx -Kerrie

Marnie, I am very sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

I had a grandmother like that too. She always loved us, just like her son (my dad) loved us.

I was away from here when she died too. It's hard not being able to say that last goodbye, isn't it? Almost 40 years later, I still wish I could have been there.


I'm so sorry for your loss, Marnie. I lost my grandmother (last grandparent) a year ago, just a week before I was planning to visit her for her birthday. Luckily, she had a long and mostly healthy life like your grandmother. We are lucky to have had so much time with them.

Thank you for this beautiful memory of your grandmother. The photos speak volumes of her love for you. I was not lucky enough to have a close relationship with a grandparent, so I am glad you were able to have the kind of closeness with your grandma that enriched your life. I'm very sorry for your loss Marnie. (((hugs)))

I'm so sorry for your loss, Marnie. Grandmothers are so special, and it's wonderful to hear of the bond you had with yours. I'm sending you hugs, and I smiled to hear of the wonderful woman your grandmother was.

Your photos and story here brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Marnie!

Very sorry for your loss. The photos are beautiful.

My condolences Marnie. Thank you for sharing your pictures. They are beautiful. I can see your grandmother's love for you in each picture. I love the pic of you both in the doorway. Your grandmother loved you and believe me, even though you didn't get to say it to her one last time, your grandmother knew that you loved her too. :) Hang in there my friend.

So very sorry for your loss, Marnie. You were so fortunate to have such a long relationship with her as an adult. The relationship with a grandmother is indeed a very special one. My condolences.

I am very sorry for your loss, Marnie.

I am so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing, but I have no doubt she knew exactly how much you loved her.

I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your grandmother. This past Father's Day, a cousin in AZ and I conspired to make our fathers speak to each other for the first time since 1982. He called and I talked to him, then I talked to his dad, then my dad talked to my cousin then magically he put his dad on the phone and they were chatting. My uncle passed away in late July and I'm so glad the brothers got one more chance to talk before it was too late.

I am so sorry for your loss. My last grandparent died when I was 19 but the grandmother that I was close to died when I was only 8. I still remember the scary Irish tales of her supernatural experiences. I'm sure your grandmother knew how much you loved her but how sad to miss the last visit with her! BTW - you were certainly an adorable baby!

So sorry for your loss. How blessed you were to have her for such a long time. I glad you have so many happy memories of your time together with her. As sure as you were of her love I know she was sure of yours.

Just discovered your blog through a Ravelry forum and so sorry to have wandered by at such a sad time for you. Wishing you the comfort of happy memories at this time of loss.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have lost all of my grandparents and miss them a lot. Especially my maternal grandmother who taught me to knit. We were very close and even though she died almost thirty years ago, I think about her almost every day. Our loved ones are always with us as long as we keep their memories alive.

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This page contains a single entry by Marnie published on August 1, 2011 8:25 AM.

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