Dammit Janice, and OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!


The day I arrived back from the road trip, I had an email from Janice suggesting I get my tukus over to ebay to bid on this.

It's been a rollercoaster week of waiting to see if I'd be the top bidder. On the few occasions when I have bid on items on ebay, it's always for stuff I would like but can completely live without. And while I can live without this item, man, did I want it.

Well, I'm the big winner. I suspect the item will go out UPS ground sometime Tuesday, so I might even have it by next weekend. I think she'll need a little TLC to get her started again.

If anyone has suggestions for a place in Portland where I can get her a new drive band, some oil and maybe a once over by an expert and some help setting up, I would love the recommendations. Of course, I'd be happy to pay for the expert's time. I've done enough work in yarn shops to know that when you bring in something you've bought elsewhere and ask for help, you should really be offering to pay for said help.


Congrats! She's beautiful!! And what a great price!

If you plan to use it in double drive, plain crochet cotton will work as a drive band. If you are going to use Scotch tension, a stretchy polymer (S'getti string is my band of choice) for the band and a piece of fishing line for the tension (on a hair elastic) worked well for me.

For oil, regular motor oil is all you need. I was able to find a needle applicator at the hardware store (or I just used a syringe and needle that I nabbed from the lab I used to work in...).

I believe this wheel is supposed to have a stretchy drive band. If that's the case, go to the hardware store and pick up silicon tubing. I suggest you post on Knitty's spinning forum and you'll get your answer from other schacht owners.

The oil... 10/30 weight from any car store. In the meanwhile, I'll dig through all my business cards to see if there's a spinning shop near you. :-)

Woodland Woolworks in Carlton might be a good place to start since they sell knitting, spinning and weaving supplies. Also, Molehill farms in Lake Oswego may be able to order something for you. If you are looking for something in Portland start with the Yarn Garden they don't carry spinning supplies but they may be able to point you in the right direction. I know from looking at my Spin Off magazine that there is a spinning shop in Dundee but I'm not sure where and I've packed my magazines while my house is on the market. Hope that helps. n

Yay! Better you than me, though I am jealous of the price. I'm going to devote myself to rentals and to getting to know the spindles I have even better. I spun the rest of the merino on Adam's spindle and it's pretty cool - so thin. It's definitely twisty, but very pretty stuff. Miss you!

I would called either woodland woolworks or pacific wool and fiber. I've had great luck with PW&F. Those are the only two specifically spinning stores that I know of in Oregon, and while neither are in Portland, neither are that far a drive either. I'll be in Portland next weekend, but I think TheBoy would be mad if I suggested I come look at your wheel when we're supposed to be celebrating having been engaged for a year. ;) Also, I'm sure there will be tons of experts hanging around flock and fiber if you're able to be around for that.

Hey there. I've been surfing around a bunch of Blogher Blogs and stumbled onto yours. I too am from the East coast and hate being cold. Now I live in Abq, NM where I love the fact that my hand painted yarn can dry in the sun on my porch in about 2 hours! Nice to *meet* you.


I just hope it's a good wheel that will make you happy!

i have a matchless too. it is a fantastic wheel wheel, and you got an amazing price for it. i scoured ebay auctions for months when i was shopping for mine and i never saw one for less than 600.

i would not expect that you would need any help setting this one up though, the manual with maintanance instructions is downloadable from the schacht website, and i think it will probably be enough.

i noticed that the auction only came with two bobbins, you will probably want to get some more. i got a woolee winder for my matchless and the bobbins are actually cheaper than schacht's. it is also great to get into the rhythm of spinning without having to change hooks.

for actually spinning on the wheel i believe that mabel ross' dvd uses the matchless too ( i just ordered the dvd, but did not recieve it yet, so i actually don't know if it would be all that helpful.) http://carolinahomespun.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CH&Product_Code=VID-HandspinAdvTech&Category_Code=SV

maybe you could go to woodland woolworks and get a few whorls, oil and drive bands (the matchless drive bands need to be replaced quite frequently) and ask them to have a look at your wheel while you are makng your purchases.

What excitement! We use sewing machine oil on our wheel.

Congratulations!! It's a beautiful wheel, and what a great price, too!

now you're all set for a cozy season. i love how spinning wheels look.

Oooh! The only thing missing is an adorable llama or sheep for your new backyard. You don't ever want to run out of fleece.

marnie: i'll bet abundand yarn & dyeworks could point you in the right direction. it's a nice shop to visit, too, if a bit "sterile" feeling. very nice folks there!

Abundant Yarn & Dyeworks
8524 SE 17th
Portland, OR

Nice wheel!! I hope you get many years (miles?) of enjoyment from it. Contact Woodland Woolworks - you just need to buy the stretchy drive band stuff. Cut it to proper length and melt both ends together. I did this last year for my little Ashford Scholar - worked great!

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