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reader gallery Archives

August 10, 2006

Starting a reader gallery

It's long overdue, I know. I am working on starting a reader gallery. If you have ever knit one of my patterns and have pictures and would be OK with my posting said pictures and linking to your site (if you have one) please press that little CONTACT button up top and send me a note with all the details. You'll make my life 100 times easier if you also put the words "reader gallery" in the subject line.

Why I plan to try to do this mid-move to Portland is anyone's guess, but I'm chalking it up to a mild case of insanity. It's genetic, I think.

Speaking of moving, there will be many many things that I will miss about Los Angles, once I’m gone. I've had a wonderful 5 years here and I think I'll look back on them as some of my most fond memories. However, there is one thing I will not miss, driving in LA.

Yesterday morning's commute fresh off the Crap Cam (trademark Dave Barry) 6000

My clock is actually 12 minutes fast, so it's 5:48 AM and I'm driving to work on the 405 (known in all other states as I-405, hold the article). And on the radio, I've got my favorite local NPR station. Normally, I breeze into work at this hour.

Instead, this is what my commute looked like:

You aren't about to pass out, those spots you see before your eyes are break lights and they go on forever.

I'm looking forward to a few months of commuting from my bedroom to my computer room in my jammies. Boy oh boy!

About reader gallery

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Marnie, speak! Good girl. in the reader gallery category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

pattern is the previous category.

recipe is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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