I've caught another meme Instructions: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.
step into my thimble
absinthe knits
bird's nest knits
Marnie Talks
Select 5 people to tag
If you want it, it's yours.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in my junior year of college, studying psychology and graphic design. I lived on campus and worked as a Resident Assistant. Additionally, I worked in the campus computer lab, and in the campus snack bar, and did a bit of work as a tutor, as well.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Well, why don't you check for yourself.
Here's my January 2005 archive.
What were you doing 1 hour ago?
Knitting a commissioned hat for the Knit Cafe

List five creative things you want to achieve this year:
Honestly, I don't really do the whole "resolution" thing and if I want to do something, I generally just do it. So I don't really have anything specific on my list. I do hope to improve my spinning and produce patterns I am proud of.
List five snacks you enjoy:
There are oh-so-many that I like.
- Mixed nuts (easy on the peanuts, please)
- Raw veggies
- Cheese and crackers
- Fresh bread
- Dark Chocolate
List five things you would do if money were no object:
- Help all my friends pay off their school dept.
- Quit my job and go back to school full time. First I'd get my undergraduate and then my masters. For what, I don't know.
- Get a place with a yard and a brother or sister for little Panda.
- Travel around the world.
- Buy a spinning wheel.
List five bad habits:
- I procrastinate when it comes to cleaning.
- I err on the side of efficiency instead of accuracy, when I'm not completely engaged in what I'm doing.
- I am risk and confrontation averse, which sometimes makes me a bit of a doormat.
- I tend to be an unfairly harsh judge of myself.
- I don't ever really yell in anger, so I end up crying which people seem to find unnerving.
List five things you like doing:
I won't name the obvious, since most of you know my crafty interests
- Learning new things
- Reading about science
- Intellectual debates that challenge my preconceived notions
- Watching Cartoons
- Eating great food
List five favorite gadgets:
Name one thing you like about yourself:
I have a strong internal drive to do what's right.