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February 2013 Archives

February 2, 2013

Happy birth-ish-day to my favorite detstructobot

Thea was born sometime around today-ish, six years ago. She was a challenging puppy, fond of destroying stuff, and indifferent to even the sternest voices. She was cute though.


But now she's all grown up, mellowing out and a real love monkey. She's gentle with her older sister, but rough houses with her little brother and always, ALWAYS snuggles next to me at night.

And she's still cute, in a ridiculous sort of way..


Happy birthday to my little monkey butt.

Oh and happy birthday to my brother too. I guess he's ok.

February 22, 2013

Coming soon

The skies have opened up and we're having a perfectly Oregonian kind of day, so I can't get any proper pattern shots, but here's a little sneak preview of something in the works; a double knit cowl in some Berroco Vintage

Double Knit Cowl_14_cropped

Thea's on the fence but I think the color suits her.

February 2, 2013

Happy birth-ish-day to my favorite detstructobot

Thea was born sometime around today-ish, six years ago. She was a challenging puppy, fond of destroying stuff, and indifferent to even the sternest voices. She was cute though.


But now she's all grown up, mellowing out and a real love monkey. She's gentle with her older sister, but rough houses with her little brother and always, ALWAYS snuggles next to me at night.

And she's still cute, in a ridiculous sort of way..


Happy birthday to my little monkey butt.

Oh and happy birthday to my brother too. I guess he's ok.

February 22, 2013

Coming soon

The skies have opened up and we're having a perfectly Oregonian kind of day, so I can't get any proper pattern shots, but here's a little sneak preview of something in the works; a double knit cowl in some Berroco Vintage

Double Knit Cowl_14_cropped

Thea's on the fence but I think the color suits her.

About February 2013

This page contains all entries posted to Marnie, speak! Good girl. in February 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2013 is the previous archive.

March 2013 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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