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October 2012 Archives

October 21, 2012

Arctium KAL


The good folks at Shalimar Yarns are planning to do a knit-along for Arctium, in early November. Sign up for their newsletter and they'll be sending out more details and a special coupon, good through the end of the year, for a dollar off the pattern price. Sign up for the newsletter in the footer of their website.

You can see some of their other in-progress KALs and get to know the folks behind the yarn, over in their Ravelry group. I'll be there, answering questions, and encouraging everyone along. I would love to see you all there.

If you are interested in buying some of their yarn for the project (or any other project), a full list of their retailers are here including web retailers, at the bottom.

October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

To my friends, family and readers who are dealing with hurricane Sandy, please stay safe, dry and warm. And to everyone, have a happy Halloween.

Wildfred Leo and I will be confusing our dogs and neighbors in our toasty warm costumes.

Leo and Marnie as Wilfred and Bear_01 Leo and Marnie as Wilfred and Bear_06

I suspect most trick-or-treaters will be coming via car since we have rain aplenty, but I'm predicting a surplus of candy rations, at the end of the night, despite our ongoing quality control checks of our stockpile.

Happy Halloween

To my friends, family and readers who are dealing with hurricane Sandy, please stay safe, dry and warm. And to everyone, have a happy Halloween.

Wildfred Leo and I will be confusing our dogs and neighbors in our toasty warm costumes.

Leo and Marnie as Wilfred and Bear_01 Leo and Marnie as Wilfred and Bear_06

I suspect most trick-or-treaters will be coming via car since we have rain aplenty, but I'm predicting a surplus of candy rations, at the end of the night, despite our ongoing quality control checks of our stockpile.

October 21, 2012

Arctium KAL


The good folks at Shalimar Yarns are planning to do a knit-along for Arctium, in early November. Sign up for their newsletter and they'll be sending out more details and a special coupon, good through the end of the year, for a dollar off the pattern price. Sign up for the newsletter in the footer of their website.

You can see some of their other in-progress KALs and get to know the folks behind the yarn, over in their Ravelry group. I'll be there, answering questions, and encouraging everyone along. I would love to see you all there.

If you are interested in buying some of their yarn for the project (or any other project), a full list of their retailers are here including web retailers, at the bottom.

About October 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Marnie, speak! Good girl. in October 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2012 is the previous archive.

November 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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