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« So how do the pups get along? | Main | Theano and Zosia »

So how do the pups get along?

Fine, just fine.

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Comments (5)

Oh my goodness, so cute!! I love how Darwin nips at the girls to try and get them to let him in to the play fest. :)

And I'm totally curious about the music, too!


Panda sure can be puppy like...yeah you go girl !!

Janice in GA:

LOL, you should have heard Jasper barking at them while we watched the video. He wanted to play too!

He has always reacted to dogs on screen, whether it's the tv or the computer. In fact, if we say "Where's the dog?" in the house, he first looks at the tv, even if it's not on. :)

It's very nice when you have a happy pack, isn't it??


heh. love that play/fight thing that dogs do.

what is the music you have playing over it? i love it!

omgosh that is so cute, but is poor panada always the one being submissive? lol He's got street cred!!!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 4, 2011 10:30 PM.

The previous post in this blog was So how do the pups get along?.

The next post in this blog is Theano and Zosia.

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