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You are what you eat

You are what you eat

Alternatively title: Karma's a b**ch.

You are what you eat

My guess is he still thinks it was worth it.

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Comments (10)

I have Halloween costumes for my hoodulms too. I figure that as many remote controls and phones as I've had to replace, I've EARNED the right to laugh at their expense.

Payback's a bitch.

Amy in StL:

Eating a whole chicken is probably worth a little humiliation in front of your older sisters. Plus, now he has his costume ready for next month.

Poetic justice.:-)

You made my Monday - that is too funny.
He looks kinda guilty all dressed up but pretty sure he would cease any future roast chicken opportunity nevertheless.


ROTFLMAO! Sooooo funny! And cute.


OMG! I laughed so freaking hard!

Bwahahahahaha! Thanks for the chuckle.


I particularly like the expression on the girls' faces - they're enjoying this. I'm trying not to feel sorry for Darwin. As you say, it's probably still worth it.



Okay ... I'm literally laughing out loud. Poor Darwin!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2011 6:24 PM.

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The next post in this blog is When the people are away.

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