Know what I've been doing? Weaving! This isn't my first time weaving. I attended a Waldorf school for my freshman year of high school. That was around 20 years ago, which makes me feel a little bit old. I absolutely loved weaving but we had a limit to how many projects we could do so as not to exhaust the supply of yarn.
To be honest, we don't really have the space for it, but I decided to add the stand to my wish list and if I got it, I'd treat myself to the loom. Thanks to my dad I'm now officially a weaver again.

What you see there is a 32" Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom and stand.
It comes unfinished, so Friday and Saturday, I oiled all the parts and assembled them. After that, I grabbed some lightweight cotton yarn I had on cones. It is really a bit too thin for the reed that came with the loom, but I wanted some relatively inexpensive fiber to work with to get my feet wet.

I didn't do a terribly good job warping this so my warp tension was all crazy. It makes it a little bit harder to get the shuttle through but I managed.
My selvage wasn't much better than my warp, but I was able to get a somewhat even tension in the middle.
The final product is an over-sized washcloth or a very small table cloth, or...something. Who cares, I wove it and that's good enough for me.