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« Stuff I can't show you | Main | If a little is good a lot is better »

Stuff I can't show you

My dance card is filled with unbloggables these days. These are the two that are on the needles, with more to come.

So far, I love the yarns I'm using and the pieces are coming together well, but my blogging opportunities are limited which is sort of making me sad. You know, I like this blogging stuff.

So, for now, I'll have to leave you with some puppy goodness, from our drizzly visit to the beach, this weekend.



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Comments (12)

Great looking knits, better looking pups!

So we all know your doggies like the beach and the water. Does this mean they also like baths? I ask because my little guy does NOT like the bath, but we're hoping that he'll enjoy frolicking at the beach when he's older.


Puppy pictures are always good! Although, and maybe it's just me, but Panda looks a little vicious in that first one. Can't wait til the unbloggable becomes bloggable.

Well, I'd like to see more, too, but I can be content (for now) with puppy pictures! What could be better?


i love those puppy photos! i hope i get a chance to meet them in a few months. ;) i want to see more of that knitting!

I'm also intrigued by the red piece. The color and texture of the yarn combined with that stitch pattern looks gorgeous! I'll be waiting with baited breath.


Those look tempting - like the stitch pattern on the left & the lime green & purple/indigo combination is one of my favorites. You know we all love the pictures of the pups. Did you ever decide which photos to submit for the contest?


The one on the right looks very intriguing!

Oooooh I love the red one. The pattern is really neat...and as always wet doggies are cute as can be! :)


dying to know more about the red one!

ooh...those look tempting. I want more!

Panda always look ready for action!


Ooo - that red one looks awesome! Can't wait to see more!

Beautiful colors! Beautiful pups!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2008 9:54 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Stuff I can't show you.

The next post in this blog is If a little is good a lot is better.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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