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Brightening an overcast day

It's one of those Mondays that feel like it needs brightening up. I'm a bit tired, the sky is overcast, work is crazy and I'm trying to sort out an issue with my taxes (don't ask.) So what's my remedy?

How about knitting a little handspun into a vivid scarf.

BFL scarf closeup

I'm about halfway through the scarf, and thought I'd give it a little bit of blocking to see how I like it.

BFL scarf progress 1

Simple but effective.

I used the Spinning for Speed and Softness method on this yarn. My technique is still a little rough so the finished two ply has a lot of personality. I wanted a stitch pattern that had a bit of an organic feel to it to highlight those thick and thin areas and I think this one fit the bill.

From the looks of it, this stitch pattern is a half sibling to one used in a really gorgeous piece you may have noticed in my knitting neighborhood. The version I'm using is in one of my Japanese stitch dictionaries under the leaf heading, but blocked out it's really pretty abstracted.

The yarn is some of Amy's BFL in the colorway Poppies. I have enough yardage that I'll be able to knit an entire scarf and a hat to match with plenty leftover.

This is just a brief little break from the knitting deadlines I have and after I crank this little project out, I'll be back to the grind, but I do think I'll work you up a quick freebie pattern for this, as a thanks for all the support for both Astoria and Crime of Fashion.

Out of curiosity, could you guys let me know your preference. What do you like; PDF downloads of patterns or HTML pages that are printable?

I have my opinion, but I'd like to see what other think.

And for those of you who wonder what a dog does on a day when it's too cloudy to go out and play, I have your answer right here.


Thea takes a nap.

And enjoy treats

Panda enjoys a treat 1

It's real torture.

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Comments (19)


What do you think of the SSS method? When I first tried it I was completely out of control (laughs) but I got better.... The resulting yarn was definitely some of the softest I'd ever made. But not as thin as yours! Go, Marnie, go.

What a good match for your hand-spun. So very pretty! I prefer PDF format. As always adorable pups! :)


Lovely scarf! I'd love to make some handspun for it- any hints on WPI and total estimated yardage so we can get ready to knit it? Also, so you can check it out, your Japanese stitch pattern looks like one also shown in Barbara's second treasury. One of the few Asian stitches included in the book- probably because it is so nice! I think it's called "Japanese feather".


Oh Panda! Those dainty paws. You lovely lady you.

Personally I prefer the pdf but ultimately the format will never stop me from downloading (or buying) a pattern I want. Thanks for asking though. The scarf is lovely.


Lovely scarf - the colour has certainly brightened my day.

So funny that you picked that stitch pattern - it's great, isn't it? The scarf looks lovely. I'm happy and relaxed - I actually had time to spin tonight - 188 yards of two-ply burning bush merino. Sweet.

Very pretty! Oh those girls...such a hard life... ;)

I prefer HTML pages because of my bad internet...but that's just me and I'm already outvoted. :o)

The scarf is gorgeous so far -- clearly I need to read the spinning for speed and softness.

Personally I greatly prefer PDF downloads.


Lovely scarf.
I prefer PDFs myself because they are portable (no kidding!) and can also be viewed and printed when offline.

I'm fine either way. What great ways to brighten up a grey day: pink knitting and adorable pups.

i don't really have a preference betwixt PDF & HTML. i havea high speed connection, so i'm not impeded by a PDF downloading. up to you, i guess, lol.


I prefer PDF, though I know how much of a pain it can be to convert files to PDF... though maybe things have changed since 2002?

Very pretty pattern. And nicely spun as well. And now you're offering a free-bie and you're asking us how we want it? Uh, if you're doing it free, however it's easier for you. I almost always print my stuff out anyway, it's so hard to write notes on the computer, those dang newfangled pens don't write on the screen too well. Seriously though, I like it in any format that I can print out. I usually like to check my gauge and notice what the yardage requirements are, then compare that to how much yardage I have, then twiddle with the pattern to see if I can add width or length or a border or something because I'm so cheap-ass that I don't want to waste a single yard of my good stuff if I don't have to. Besides that, my 10 year old son always asks for my leftovers, so the more I use, the less he gets. Wait, that's selfish. Forget I said that. I always share with him. Recently I gave him an entire skein of 100% Peruvian wool. He hasn't done a thing with it. Maybe it is hereditary!


What a lovely scarf. The color is so bright and cheery, and the handspun looks just gorgeous in that pattern. Love it!

I prefer pdfs, but that's just me. I like saving them in case I lose my print out.

Good luck with the taxes!

When different sites began switching over from sharing their patterns in html to pdf, I was somewhat aggravated. I liked copying only the written instructions onto my own Word document to print, to save all the extra ink that goes into having to print an entire pdf pattern. However, I do understand the reasoning and advantage for those sharing their patterns to do so in pdf form. Just about everyone does use pdf now, so I'm used to it, and it really doesn't matter to me anymore. Big help, huh? ;-Þ

I love the scarf. The color is wonderful, too!


PDF all the way, definitely.


pretty scarf! I love the color.

Nice scarf. And in answer to your query: definitely PDF; so much easier to download and save to the computer and print later when you're ready for a new project.


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