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Dusting off Lily

Do you remember Lily? Well, I sure do. I have kept the bag she's been in, in plain site, since I last worked on her in May. Oy vey. I put Lily into time out after trying her on, and feeling the design had gone astray. The motifs, running along the raglan, were coming so close together that they appeared to draw an (unattractive) arrow to my face. When I tried her on, I knew I was not happy with the look.

I put Lily aside and I wasn't sure that I'd come back. I usually have a very hard time revisiting sleeping projects.

But, something about the soft olive colored calmer and the lily of the valley motif, drew me back.

So I pulled out Lily and simply started ripping. I figured I'd have to rip back to the armscye, or further. But something stopped me, after only a dozen rows. I decided I should put all my stitches onto waste yarn and throw Lily on the mannequin.

The piece was rumpled but the little bit of ripping proved to be a good starting point.


I realized, I had it all wrong. I was going for a boat neck, but I was trying to make the neck too high. I think this piece is salvageable with minimal modifications.

I gave Lily a bit of a steam, and I'm back in the race.

IMG_0043.jpg IMG_0039.jpg IMG_0041.JPG

I'll tackle the neckline first, resolving that issue, before dealing with anything else. After that, I'll probably close up the vents at the hem and work a bottom edge that matches the neckline.
Finally, after all that is done, I'll assess the sleeves.

Let's see if I can take the U out of this UFO.

For those of you who like looking under the hood, I've uploaded some detail shots of the Linen Top, including the final ribbon I've chosen.

I don't have any immediate plans to write a pattern, but I think some people might be interested in a look at how the garment was constructed.


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Comments (14)


ohhhhh,what beautifull surprise¡¡¡¡¡I loved it.I'was waiting for it,you know¡¡¡ and I see that you did some changes to your original pattern,and is wonderfull¡¡¡congratulations¡¡¡¡
(excusseme but my english is very bad)

That neckline makes all the difference! It's great to get back in the saddle, isn't it?

Lilies of the Valley? Oh, the lovely smell of spring time. The only thing better is lilacs. That pattern is simply gorgeous. Oh, and ghe chocolate and green? I would always have voted for the green, even if it wasn't one of the choices. But that mint was a surprise. I probably would have gone for a darker forest or emerald. Very nice!

I'm sure Mum would love this if we show her when she returns from her trip! It's awesome!

Love love love love this sweater! Unusual, yet wearable. Yum! So glad it's being resurrected.

Yay, Lily! I love her! Glad she's been resurrected. :) I really like what you did with the Linen Top, too, BTW. The minty green looks great with the dark brown.

Lily is absolutely lovely! I think you made a wise decision to drag her out of her slumber!


That shows the value of having a mannequin - being able to see the WIP without twisting & turning to see yourself in the mirror. Lily is lovely, glad to see it resurrected.

I love the boat neck and I love the side detailing with the raglan sleeve.


I remember Lily :) I'm so glad that she might come around, I thought she had such great potential!


Hi Marnie,

Can you let me know where you purchased your mannequin?


Oh..that's very pretty...glad you've chosen to revisit!

Ohhh, that reminds me of my own neglected Create Along project. Seeing your work on Lily just might inspire me to pull my half-finished top out of whatever bag I threw it in, haha. Can't wait to see the finished sweater!

I know you'll find a way to make her work for you. All the side detail makes her such a lovely knit. :)


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