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« I've got your hat right here | Main | Perhaps the longest glove pattern ever »

I've got your hat right here

The hat pattern has been posted.

The gloves are coming soon.

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Comments (9)

You're probably tired of hearing me gush over that yarn, so I won't repeat myself. Instead...LOVE the hat & mit set! So pretty, and it really showcases that drool-worthy yarn well!

Ah, I've been waiting for this pattern. Thank you!!!! Now, off to swatch with my handspun.

I keep forgetting to say how great your handspun looks - both in the skein and knit up. It is very special. Miss you!


Thank you for the beautiful hat pattern!!

KarenK from the OR coast:

Thanks for posting that very well-written pattern, Marnie! That's such a nice stitch for using up variegated yarns.

woohoo! a new hat pattern for dulaan! and a way to use up sock yarn for the sock marathon!

That had is beautiful! Love your handspun yarn [oh, and your coat too!].

It's a beautiful little hat, Marnie. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

Marnie, that's great! Thanks so much. I love this stitch pattern and it looks great with your handspun!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 8, 2007 5:25 AM.

The previous post in this blog was I've got your hat right here.

The next post in this blog is Perhaps the longest glove pattern ever.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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