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« Rebecca called, they'd like their photo shoot back. | Main | A little eye candy »

Rebecca called, they'd like their photo shoot back.

We were channeling our inner knitwear models in these pictures. I think the Lush Hoodie better suits the scenery than my vest, but one makes due with what one packs.


I think I may have laughed myself stupid during this.

See all the silliness here and here.

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Comments (9)

Mwha! Can you make that into a desktop? :D Two spinners spinning.


I automatically started giggling when I saw this? Why? Because my friends and I are also dorks.


You two are SO cute!!!


Way too cute; you two made my day!


I like the "action" picture. You guys always look like you're having fun:)


Dorks a-spinnin'.

Oh. Mah. God. That is so cute. I want to spin around and around with you gals!


the fun never stopped for you two!

I know this puts us firmly in the goober category, but I don't care - it's fun! Give me a self-timer and a bracketing option and I'm a little dangerous! Great job on movie-izing it. I want a disc!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2006 5:51 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Rebecca called, they'd like their photo shoot back..

The next post in this blog is A little eye candy.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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