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« Beyonce, why you gotta be like that? | Main | Guess who's blocking »

Beyonce, why you gotta be like that?

Work has been interesting, lately. We have a set of conference rooms that used to be the senior management's offices, back in the company's more opulent days. They are now a lovely set of rooms, perfect for holding one's various meetings. Skylights and lovely views offer that little flash of daylight that can make an otherwise dreary day, a touch less so. However, they are all booked this month. Apparently, Beyonce is shooting a movie in or amongst them. Now we are faced with a constant scrabble to compete for the remaining conference rooms, peppered about the building, in corners unknown. Working in downtown LA, movie shoots are not a new inconvenience in life, and we have had our conference rooms used for filming before, but never for quite so long. Such is life, I suppose.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there. I wanted to show you a little bit of the plying I did this weekend. Remember the sage colored merino/silk I spun up into singles recently? Well, it's plied now.

I wish you could see it in person, it has a beautiful depth to it. Most of my other spinning has been for the shawl, so it's more of the same. Speaking of which, I will hopefully finish it up this weekend, and will post pictures as soon as I can. Send your good shawl vibes my way.

Finally, Panda would like to thank you for all the love.

We have an agreement that for every sweet comment you leave for her, she gets belly rubs. It seems only fair.

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Comments (16)

Panda could have been a model in another life - she's reallllllllly working that shot LOL!!!

What a sweety pie - I'll bet she can knit too!

Marnie, you - as usual - ROCK... please keep up the great work!

roxy from the knitty coffeeshop


First, I'd like the ask: Why is Beyonce acting? I know a ton of actors who can't get work. Because Beyonce is trying to be an actor. Sheesh.
Second, PANDA!!!
Here's another belly rub for ya, sweetie!
: )

Awww, Panda is such an adorable cutie! Please give her another belly rub from me!

Amy in SC:

Could those big brown eyes be any more pleading for people wuv? She is as always the cutest!


Love the gorgeous merino/silk (I'm soooo jealous!) The color is fabulous.

Please give Panda a big belly rub from me!

Who could resist such a cute dog (especially in that picture)? One more belly rub from me.

Always happy to donate a belly rub to the Panda-gal. :) Give her an extra one from me!

Awww!!! Panda is adorable, and she sure knows how to work those big brown eyes!


She is such a sweetie, another rub please! :)


Hmm, is Panda more cuddly or is your newly spun yarn the softest? You may have to do a hug test. Your spinning could win. I just love the way the rose tones show up as soft touches in the final product. It'll work up into something truly beautiful.

Wow, I would totally be star struck if Beyonce were spending large amoutns of time in my office. Plus, the thought of having a movie filmed in my workplace seems a lot more novel, I guess as a non LA-er. Then again, in DC we have to deal with the occasional annoying motorcade, same difference I suppose...

Is it possible that Panda is getting cuter?

Funny, that's sort of what happened to our office last week . . . the lettershop department moved into what had been the conference room, and the President's office became the new (much smaller) conference room . . . Sigh . . .

panda! we love you!

Ms. Panda is such a good girl! Be sure to give her a vigorous scratch just above her tail from her Auntie Sravana...

Panda is SUCH a cutie! (hopefully that earned her another rub! :o)

Well give her a nice rub, because she looks ADORABLE laying there with her toy. She looks very nostalgic for all the fun of running and catching that thing and wondering if you might possibly do it again if she looks really really sweet.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 16, 2006 6:21 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Guess who's blocking.

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