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« I may still make my deadline | Main | Is this what I think it is? »

I may still make my deadline

Isn't the hoodie looking cute? I have to admit, I enjoy this knit even if it is my own design. Unfortunately, having talked to the woman to receive this, it appears the piece may be a little too short. I'm going to have to pull out the trim on the body of the piece. It's all knit in one piece with nice mitered corners and a tubular bind off which is great because it looks so nice but I suspect that now that the ends are woven in, it may be a bit of a P.I.T.A. to pull out. That's what I get, though, huh?

On a completely unrelated note, this should be reassuring to every one of us who has ever wished we looked as good as a woman on the cover of a magazine. Warning: requires Flash

Also, a couple hilarious songs (one with video)

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Comments (4)


I was actually just Googling "Tubular Bind Off" and it brought me to this post! Congrats on having a well-ranked site!

Can't wait to see the scales. See you in the New Year!


Thanks for the links, Marnie. Santa ain't fat is great!

Hmm, can you just pretend that you didn't talk to her? ;)

Love your Wyvern pattern - it's on my list to knit. Thanks!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2005 4:48 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Is this what I think it is?.

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