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Do I?

Do you want to get Panda's attention? All you need to do is throw out some "Djouwannas." Examples of the proper use of "djouwanna" are as follows:

Djouwanna go for a ride in the car?
Djouwanna belly rub?
Djouwanna drink of water?
Djouwanna go to the beach? (That's a really popular one.)
But today it was;

Djouwanna treat?

In this case, a Kong bone stuffed with chicken.

I am not the big softie that Leo is so I make her work for it. Panda, Beg Up!

Good girl.

Life isn't so bad here at Chez Panda.

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Comments (5)


Ohhhhohhhohhhh, what a cutie pie. I can never get enough cutie pie panda pics. Makes me want to get another doggie soooo baaaaaad, looking at that sweet face!


way to go panda. you look so good on camera!

Oh, the cuteness of it all. She is such a schmoo. I know I say it a lot but it bears repeating. SCHMOO.

Hiya Marnie,
I tried to leave a comment earlier, but it never went through.
Perhaps this one will? two three


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 9, 2005 8:24 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Do I?.

The next post in this blog is Pardon Our Dust.

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