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After the bath

That green merino silk roving gets even better after a wash and hang.
It really seems to even things out a bit and make the yarn look slightly less "hand spun." Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the fact that I hand spun it, but I don't want it to be too obvious.

I plied Panda with belly rubs to get another shot of her donning my handiwork.

In fact, she is mid belly rub in the picture.
Can you hear her? "Oh, the suffering, the indignity, the....a little to the left please."

And do you see her bucket of toys and treats in the background? Yes, that's only one of two. Don't even get me started about the whole cabinet full of treats for the little pooper. She lives a hard life.

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Comments (2)


I wouldn't have ever guessed that was handspun if you hadn't mentioned it. Great job!

The handspun looks professional! I got a new Cascade spindle for Xmas from MIL along with some wonderful Tahiti roving, so I've been spinning away over the holidays despite leaving my Pilchuk in CA. I'm thinking I'll either make fingerless gloves or mittens with the results. My handspun, however, is still very homemade looking - think and thin and slubbalicious!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 28, 2005 5:41 AM.

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