friend of mine has a lovely little girl named Paige. When I was asked to make
her a poncho, preferably featuring pink, I knew I wanted to do something that
looked like a spring garden. Looking through my various crochet books, I couldn't
find a motif that was quite right. Combining elements of a few different motifs,
I came up with this design.
If you would like to make this poncho, just about any worsted weight yarn will do. I suggest cotton for its long wear and wash ability. If you wish to use a wool blend, make sure that the recipient doesn't have any sensitivities to wool.
3 Skeins of Bernat Cotton Ultra Soft in Purple and Pink
4 Skeins of Bernat Cotton Ultra Soft in Green
Size G crochet hook
Size 7 Knitting Needles
Tapestry needle
Motif Center
With center color (pink or purple): Ch4, join w/slip st to make
a ring
Ch2, (yo, insert hook in ring, yo, pull up loop, yo pull through 2
loops) x2, (yo, pull through 2 loops) x3 [counts as first petal]
*Ch3, (YO, insert hook in ring, yo, pull up loop, yo pull through 2 loops)
x3, (yo, pull through 2 loops) x4 (petal made)* repeat from * to * for
a total of 8 petals, ch3, slp st into top of first petal.
Cut yarn, pull through loop, and sew in tails.
Green Border:
3 dc in one ch3 sp of a motif center, 3 dc in next ch3 sp, *ch4,
(3 dc in next ch3 sp) x2,* around, ch4, slp st in top of first dc. Cut long
tail for joining
pieces and pull through last loop.
Repeat around all motif centers.
Half Motif Center
With pink yarn: ch4, join w/slip st to make a ring
Work as for regular motif center but only make 5 petals. Do not join
with slip st at the end of the row.
Half Motif Green Border:
3 dc in first ch3 sp, 3 dc in next ch3 sp, ch4, (3dc
in next ch3 sp) x2.
Cut long tail for joining pieces and pull through last loop.
Full Motifs:
30 Purple
27 Pink
Half Motifs
Make 7 pink
Join Motifs and half Motifs according to schematic (right).
Weave in all ends
With #7 knitting needles, pick up 28 stitches to first corner,
place a stitch marker, pick up another 71 stitches to last
corner, place
a stitch
pick up 28 more stitches to end of neck opening. (see Schematic)
Rows 1-5: Work in k1, p1 ribbing, decreasing one stitch
at each end of every row and double decreasing at stitch
odd row.
On row 6 (wrong side) work p2tog, *yo, p2tog* to end of
Work one more row as for row 1
Front Placket
SC 64 stitches evenly across right side, ch1 turn.
SC in every sc.
Cut thread and pull through loop.
Repeat on Left side.
Ch 125
Cut thread and pull through last loop.
Weave through eyelets in neck
Ch 20
Cut thread and pull through loop.
Make 6 total
Sew onto wrong side of placket behind each half motif except
the one at the back neck. Pull tie through center
ring of half motif.
Weave in any remaining tails.
Thank you so much for your interest in my patterns. Most of my free patterns were efforts to learn to design and do not conform to industry standards for sizing or terminology. Enough people continue to knit from these designs that I am happy to leave these patterns up for people to use but I cannot offer any amendments or substantial support for them.
As with all my patterns, you are welcome to use these patterns for your own personal, non-commercial or charitable use. If you wish to sell items made from these patterns or teach classes using my patterns, please contact me. Please do not distribute this pattern in print or electronically or post this pattern to your own site or publication. If you wish to share this pattern, please send the person a link to my site.